Interface Mapping

    • Method Detail

      • getFlavors

        RemoteCollection<java.lang.String> getFlavors()
                                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Returns the list of all Mapping Flavors contained in this mapping.
        A RemoteCollection of Mapping Flavors.
        java.rmi.RemoteException - remote communication problem
      • addFlavor

        void addFlavor​(java.lang.String flavorName)
                throws ApiException,
        Add a new flavor to the mapping represented by this object.
        flavorName - The name of the flavor.
        java.rmi.RemoteException - remote communication problem
        ApiException - If flavorName == null or the mapping already contains the flavor or the name of the flavor is unknown to TPT.
      • getMappingFlavorColumnValue

        java.lang.String getMappingFlavorColumnValue​(Declaration decl,
                                                     java.lang.String column,
                                                     boolean allowDefaultValue)
                                              throws ApiException,
        Get the value of the given mapping flavor column.
        decl - The Declaration from which you want to get the flavor.
        column - The name of the column of the flavor. Valid column names are all mapping specific column names from the declaration editor, such as Min, Max, Hidden, External_Name etc.
        allowDefaultValue - A flag which allows to get the default value from the flavor in case it is null.
        The String representation of the value from the given mapping flavor column.
        ApiException - If the declaration or the column is null, if the declaration does not locally exists or if the mapping does not have any flavor with the given column.
        java.rmi.RemoteException - remote communication problem
      • setMappingFlavorColumnValue

        void setMappingFlavorColumnValue​(Declaration decl,
                                         java.lang.String column,
                                         java.lang.String value)
                                  throws ApiException,
        Set the value of the given mapping flavor column.
        decl - The Declaration from which you want to set the flavor.
        column - The name of the column of the flavor. Valid column names are all mapping specific column names from the declaration editor, such as Min, Max, Hidden, External_Name etc.
        value - The value to be set. Setting the value to the default value (getMappingFlavorColumnDefaultValue(Declaration, String)) will let the value be null when the file is saved and loaded again.
        ApiException - If the declaration or the column is null, if the declaration does not locally exists, if the mapping does not have any flavor with the given column or if the value can not be parsed to the column type.
        java.rmi.RemoteException - remote communication problem
      • getMappingFlavorColumnDefaultValue

        java.lang.String getMappingFlavorColumnDefaultValue​(Declaration decl,
                                                            java.lang.String column)
                                                     throws ApiException,
        Get the default value of the given mapping flavor column for the given declaration.
        decl - The Declaration from which you want to get the flavor.
        column - The name of the column of the flavor.
        The String representation of the default value from the flavor
        ApiException - If the declaration or the column is null, if the declaration does not locally exists or if the mapping does not have any flavor with the given column.
        java.rmi.RemoteException - remote communication problem