Class RequirementsImportSettings

    • Method Detail

      • getDocument

        public java.lang.String getDocument()
        The name of the document. An empty string represents the default document.
        The requirements are imported in the document with this name. If the target document exists, it will be updated.
      • setDocument

        public void setDocument​(java.lang.String document)
        document - The name of the document. An empty string represents the default document.
        The requirements are imported in the document with this name. If the target document exists, it will be updated.
      • getAutoReviewColumns

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAutoReviewColumns()
        Optional list of column names in the source file for which the automatic review of possible changes of a requirement attribute should be enabled.
      • setAutoReviewColumns

        public void setAutoReviewColumns​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> autoReviewColumns)
        autoReviewColumns - Optional list of column names in the source file for which the automatic review of possible changes of a requirement attribute should be enabled.